「以正思惟減少『共情傷害』」Overcome the Dark Side of Empathy by the Cultivation of Right Intention (Chinese Dhamma Talk)

日期: 2020年03月28日
講次:1 講



When we pour a large amount time into the news of disaster and polarized political views, our ability to identify with others’ feelings can undermine our psychological health, and lead to depression, stress, anger, even metal breakdown.


Right intention can help us walk out of the danger of too much empathy. By contemplating on cause and effect, kamma and resultants, dependent origination etc, we try to tune and stablize our minds. We cultivate loving-kindness and compassion, staying away from greed and grief. We equip ourselves with the clear vision to see the truth and the ability to help others.

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時間長度 Length: 00:29:58