

Together with the monastic community of Santa Monastery, Acariya Kaiyin paid a visit to Venerable Thera Jiejing, the abbot of Dan Fo Si (the Buddhist Association of Colorado), for the purpose of seeking his guidance and teachings at the beginning of the summer retreat.

文:禪曦比丘尼 | 圖:嚴密比丘尼、黃清浚居士


開印阿闍梨帶領禪舍僧眾及居士拜訪法國巴黎的廣淨長老。長老雖逾古稀之年, 仍致力於佛教教育和經典翻譯,更積極研擬運用AI人工智能技術來普及佛法。其為法忘軀之精神,令後進深受啟迪!
Accompanied by the sangha of the Santa Monastery and lay disciples, Acariya Kaiyin visited Ven. Kwangching in Paris. Despite being in his seventies, Ven. Kwangching remains dedicated to educating people about Buddhism, translating Buddhist scriptures, and using AI to popularize Buddhism. His commitment serves as an inspiration for the younger generation.

《巴利註釋的重要性》The Importance of Pāli Commentaries

日期 : 2021年6月11日
地點 :美國寂靜禪舍
主講 :菩提長老
講次 :1 講


菩提長老著作、編譯、編輯上聲譽卓著,出版過許多重要作品,包括上座部佛教四部阿含尼柯耶,《經集》及其注釋等等。其在翻譯佛教經典(巴利文翻英文)著作上的成就,被許多佛教信徒尊稱為「西方的玄奘法師」。菩提長老亦是全球佛教救濟會(Buddhist Global Relief)的創始人,和他的學生及其他熱心人士一起在社會公益事業上默默耕耘。

Date : 11 June 2021
Venue :Santa Monastery
Speaker :Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi
No. of session:1

The 2021 Summer Sutta Class of Santa Monastery is very hornoured to have Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi to give us a special talk in our first class on June 11, 2021, with the subject “The Importance of Pāli Commentaries”. In this short 1h talk, Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi introduced the development stages of Pāli Commentaries, its important interpretation functions as well as its distinct features.

Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi is very well known as an author, translator and editor, having many important publications such as the translating and/or editing the translation of the Four Nikayas, the Suttanipāta and its commentaries. Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi is regarded by many Buddhists as the Master Xuan-Zang in the West. Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi is also the founder of the Buddhist Global Relief, together with his students and others, devoting their time and skills to various social causes.

Language語言Handout講義下載Youtube影音百度影音(提取码: ab89)
EnglishEnglish notesEnglish YoutubeEnglish Baidu






Light and fluffy snow fell quietly overnight in this early spring season, leaving a landscape shrouded in white. At day break, the monastics were getting ready for breakfast, and we noticed the sound of snow-shovelling outside. It was the neighbors who came over to help clear the snow along the driveway and the sidewalk. They even took care to clear the snow through to the front door.
Last week Denver had a heavy snow storm, neighbors down the street came all the way over, braving the gusty wind and heavy snow, to clear a path from the door of the monastery to the road.
A sense of community, looking out for and helping each other, is a common virtue, regardless of the color of our skin, differences in races and political views. Wrapped in such warmth, there is no need to worry about any snow storm.

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原計劃籌募50萬美金,於郊外找一塊空地,或者適合做禪修道場的度假屋(vacation house)。不巧遇上疫情等諸多限制,加上籌得的經費一直趕不上科州房產的漲幅,最終在疫情、交通、人力、財力、以及先前租房合約即將到期等種種因素考量下,美國寂靜禪舍董事會決定暫時擱置郊外購地計畫,於丹佛南面之孤樹城(Lone Tree),購置一間房子,暫時安定。此處治安良好,網路狀況亦佳,生活機能便利,適合開印阿闍梨靜修、開設網路課程、及給兩位剛出家的弟子做僧教育。




20210306 敬啟

同行有您,感恩護持 Sincere gratitude for your contribution

同行有您,感恩支持 Sincere gratitude for your commitment to serve

20201231 送舊迎新ーー慈心禪

(網絡共修)送舊迎新ーー慈心禪 Online Meditation Session — Loving-Kindness for the Turn of the Year

Instructions given in Chinese with simultaneous interpreting into English

Loving-Kindness is one of the major Buddhist meditation practices since antiquity. It helps us to destress and enables our mind to stay joyous. As we send off 2020, let us embrace a brand new 2021 with brimming Loving-Kindness towards all!

指導禪師 Guided by:開印阿闍梨 Acariya Kaiyin

日期 Date:12/31/2020 (週四 Thursday)

時間 Time:5:00 – 7:00 PM (Mountain Time)

問詢 Contact: webmeeting.santamonastery@gmail.com

安樂地睡著 Sleeps well,

安樂地醒來 Awakens happily,

不見惡的/壞的/有罪的夢 No bad dreams,

成為諸人所愛的、 Is pleasing to human beings,

成為諸非人所愛的、 Is pleasing by non-human/spirits

諸天守護、 Protected by deities,

或火,或毒,或刀杖不能侵襲 Cannot be injured by fire, poison and weapons,

心迅速地入定、 Mind attains concentration quickly,

容貌變得明亮/快樂、 Facial complexion is serene,

命終不混亂的/不癡昧的、 dies unconfused,

當未通達更上時,生到梵天世界。 If one has not attained Arahantship, one is reborn in the Brahma realm after death.

New York:12/31/2020, Thursday, 7:00 – 9:00 PM;

Los Angeles: 12/31/2020, Thursday, 4:00 – 6:00 PM;

北京、吉隆坡、台北、新加坡:1/1/2021,五,8 – 10 AM。

通 知 Annoucement

中英雙語線路名額已滿。未能趕上報名的佛友,可於活動當天,登錄禪舍的Facebook Page 或通過馬佛青的Zoom 和Facebook 來連線(只提供中文),無需再報名:

Registration for bilingual channels is full. Those who understand Chinese can still join the event by connecting to our Facebook Page, or by connecting to YBAM’s Zoom meeting or Facebook Page (no prior registration needed)
馬佛青Zoom鏈接 YBAM’S Zoom Meeting:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81102743647?pwd=a0hlOGp4Y05LNHgvZGdJQ2dtclJYZz09
Meeting ID: 811 0274 3647
Passcode: 323797
貼心小提醒 Friendly Reminders:
1. 馬佛青提供的500條線路,是先到先得,敬請提前上線。會議會提前半小時開放連線登陸。YBAM will provide extra 500 lines via Zoom on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please check in on Zoom early to secure your spot. The meeting will start 30 mins ahead of time.
2. 額外500條線只有中文,沒有提供即席英譯。Simultaneous interpretation into English will not be provided for the extra 500 lines.
3. 各地區日期時間如下 Dates and times at different regions:
Denver: 12/31/2020, Thursday, 5:00 – 7:00 PM
New York:12/31/2020, Thursday, 7:00 – 9:00 PM;
Los Angeles: 12/31/2020, Thursday, 4:00 – 6:00 PM;
北京、吉隆坡、台北、新加坡:1/1/2021,五,8 – 10 AM。





第一講 | 👈 點擊閱讀

《增支部》(6. 86)《障礙經》列舉進入「正性決定」之條件,而《雜阿含550經》《欲聞經》則說明入聖法流之學習過程,亦即是四預流支。


  1. 不欲聞(na sussūsati),
  2. 不傾聽(na sotaṃ odahati),
  3. 不令心知解(na aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti),
  4. 取無義(anatthaṃ gaṇhāti取無利益/無道理),
  5. 捨有義(atthaṃ riñcati捨有利益/有道理),
  6. 未隨順忍(ananulomikāya khantiyā)。


  1. 欲聞(sussūsati),
  2. 傾聽(sotaṃ odahati),
  3. 令心知解(aññā cittaṃ upaṭṭhāpeti使已知心現起),
  4. 取有義(atthaṃ gaṇhāti取有利益/有道理),
  5. 捨無義(anatthaṃ riñcati捨無利益/無道理),
  6. 隨順忍(anulomikāya khantiyā = 從無常等於五蘊見生滅)。

