Loving-Kindness Meditation Retreat Reflection (Jean)

“I highly recommend this retreat to everyone who is seeking peace and happiness in daily life! “

This Loving-Kindness meditation retreat is the third meditation retreat I have attended. Previously in 2009 and 2013, I participated in 7-day meditation retreats that focused on the breathing method. Recently, I heard about the Loving-Kindness meditation and was immediately drawn to it because I had been under a lot of stress and pressure and felt myself depleted of patience and kindness toward others. When I learned about this upcoming two-day meditation retreat at Rev. KaiYin’s lecture in Denver and how it can help practitioners in cultivating merits, overcoming sorrow and lamentation, and bringing happiness to the mind, I knew I couldn’t miss it.

The retreat took place at the beautiful Providence Renewal Center in Edmonton, Alberta. When I first arrived, my weary heart was immediately soothed by the serenity and peacefulness of the environment. I especially appreciate Rev. KaiYin for taking the time to explain and demonstrate the correct postures for sitting, standing and walking meditations. (In 2013, I suffered injury during my second meditation retreat because of improper posture. After that injury, I became very discouraged and stopped practicing meditation for several years.) In addition, Sister Jinglan also led Yoga sessions to help us warm up and loosen tight muscles. Because I was much more comfortable physically this time, I was able to focus much better and faster. This two day meditation retreat is only an introduction and it has already changed my life.

Since I have come back to Denver, I have noticed a difference in my daily life. Even just a few minutes of standing meditation helps me re-focus and de-stress on a busy and stressful day. I am so thankful for Rev. KaiYin and Sister Jinglan’s instruction and highly recommend this retreat to everyone who is seeking peace and happiness in daily life!

Article: Jean Lee-Baker / Photo: Acariya Kaiyin