


14th of July. The morning saw a warm sunshine with pleasant breezes. Acariya Kaiyin went visiting the Denver Temple with residents of Santa Monastery in order to partake in a Chinese calligraphy gathering. Due to the pandemic, the participants include but Thera Jiejing, Abbot of the Denver Temple, Acariya Kaiyin from Santa Monastery, and the other two calligraphers, Zhiping Zhang and Chuanhai Zheng.
White Tea from Fujian Province, home town of Thera Jiejing, was made to welcome all visitors, while Alishan Tea from Taiwan was also brought by Zhiping Zhang to share among all. During the tea time, calligraphers exchanged their works as gifts to one another. What followed was the live calligraphy writing in the front bower. The whole event drew to an end with a Zen sentence written by Thera Jiejing: “Snow flakes fall upon nowhere else each and every.” All look forward to the next gathering for more sharing.

文:禪曦法師  |  圖:開印阿闍梨、演陽